Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hi! My name is Dean and I used to go to a school for Doctors. I come from The place below us, called Hell. As you can see I'm an Evil Doctor.Since I have time I'll tell you my life story, I'll tell you...It all started when I was born by a careless Demoness. She soon passed away and I got bored and went to Earth. There I torchure patients. I got so bored I decided at age 67 to go to school looking like a weird looking kid I saw walking to school. I now go to Cocopah Middle School which is filled with pathetic souls for me to take!MUHAHAHAHA!!!errHHMM...Sorry I got got a little out of control, sorry! Well......JOIN.... -[BSP]- Back Stabbin Psychos
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Join -[BSP]- TODAY!!!
Ahhhhhh....Nothing like a relaxing trash bath...
Don't look!
Ummm...What are you doing?
AHHHHH!!!! Don't look at me I'm naked!!
OK this guy is weird I'm leaving.
Wait no I'm not... (X-Files Theme)
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