Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

CITY comics

Ghetto. Beatnik. Blues. Restaurants. Rap. Gangs. Dykes. Criminals. Drugs. Whores. NON-Smoking. Bums. Jail. Pimps. Crack-Hos. Welfare. 911. Cops. Wiggers. Illegal aliens. Ebonics. Coffee houses. BASICALLY=THE CITY!!

by daddydoright
I wonder what I should do today?
How's about getting off your ass and making some fucking money so we can have something to fucking eat around here!
Well I'm all set for job hunting again, but I don't have a college degree or any job skills, but I do have a criminal record, and a whole bunch of psychological problems!
Great than let's get you a free welfare check, free rent, free food, free utilities and free medical care!
Wow I get all that for doing nothing?! Why would I ever want to get a job if I can get everything for free?!
Now he's catching on!! Oh yah I almost forgot, they also pay you more for every kid you have, so let's get busy!

this comic belongs to set
CITY comics

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