Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by deadchris
Cute Girl Chris Likes #1:
Blah blah you look like a kindergarten boy blah hold on blah blah blah blah have to call MY BOYFRIEND!!!! blah blah blah...
That sensation between my legs would probably be my manhood disappearing.
Cute Girl Chris Likes #2:
Oh? You need help with your Math? Did you hear how everyone says I'm the smartest guy in the math class..?
Oh, what? Sorry, I'm going to go ask that MUCH CUTER GUY!!!! over there to help me. Me plus Him minus Our clothes equals...
Cute Girl Chris Likes #3:
And then MY BOYFRIEND!!!! bought me dinner, it was so nice of him... I hate cooking you know, I prefer to blah blah blah...
Please God... Let me choke on my lonely single serving Michelina's tonight...
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