Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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i am your leader, all your boobies are belong to my weener
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by sk8guitar
choad has a nipple on his head.
hello, my name is choada, i have a nipple for a head, let me tell you about a story of mine...
i do not exist, keep reading bitch
so i was sittin there all by my lonesome, when i discovered that my nipple wasn't where it was supposed to be...
i wonder what'll happen if i attach this battercable to my nipple...WAHT THE?! WHERE IS IT?! AHHHHHHH!
yoda says: "eat cheese", i still don't exist though.
and from that fatefull day, choada travled the world in a circus especially made for people with nipples in weird spots. see him at your local porno store soon.
what a fucking crazy shit
so in short, i have a nipple on my head with a batter cable on my testicles. thank you and goodnight
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