Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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"Actually, it's rather funny, but don't tell anyone I said that." -RandomComicLayoutGuy

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by atomiclunch
Questions of HOW Brad got the juice to order an airstrike on U.S. soil aside, WHY would he do that.
No idea.
Unless... Were you lamenting about the number of contributors on the site again? Is that it? You have no one to blame but yourself for this.
I don't know what you're talking about.
"I blame RCLG!"
Okay, that makes sense.
Yeah, that's the ticket!
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RandomComicLayoutGuy says:

You ain't seen nothing yet, dooshrag!!
posted Jul 1st, 2018 ( permalink )

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