Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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"Actually, it's rather funny, but don't tell anyone I said that." -RandomComicLayoutGuy

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by atomiclunch
4/1/2019 - 'Lunch checks the weather with Maria Larosa...
- comic contests! OMG, I get SOOO turned on by guys that enter comic contests -
I have a plan!
4/5/2019 - Rags' place
Holy crap! Maria? Ragu? Bacon? ----------------------------- RCLG?! ----------------------------- How did this happen?
Yeah guys, mmm, just like that! *GRUNT* *OINK!* __________________ Hey guys! Save some for me!
Later, checking the DVR.
- SOOO turned on by guys that enter comic contests. And don't win! I really like underdogs.
Well, phoo!
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JoeBlough says:

The only time when losers are winners.
posted Apr 9th, 2019 ( permalink )

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