Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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by DBoba
...the next day..
YOU ASSHOLE! I GOT AN "F" on my book report! The teacher said it is obvious I didn't read it so she's gonna let me submit again tomorrow....
Crap..I must have been thinking of the sequel...ok...get your pencil ready...
Scruffy & Snifter...or whatever their little rat names are... take off into the maze when the cheese supply disappears...little do they know that Hem and Haw have scammed them....
by moving ALL of the cheese that existed in the maze while the rats were working double shifts..that's why Hem and Haw appeared tired...
they move all the cheese back into a Cheese station that they had finished off months earlier....the stupid little rats, being too dumb to think that the cheese would be someplace they already were...
spend their last days sniffing and scurrying around in vain...and finally die of exhaustion and starvation...while Hem and Haw get fat dumb and happy and finally get some well-deserved rest...
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