Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


pm : info
Apparently you are interested in this page for some reason. Well, I guess I won't disappoint you... and then and then and then i like went to this party and they were all like "dude you can't come in here because you're going to break all the furniture like last time" but i said i wouldn't so they let me in and i broke all the furniture when i hit the furniture with a chainsaw the chainsaw wasn't on or nothin' i was just hitting the furniture with it and it was off man yeah those were some good times man i'd like to go back there and hit their furniture again but the judge said no
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by Dapf
InfantryMan vs. SunLairMan IV
Who are you?
I am InfantryMan!
We are living in a fantasy world with candy houses and purple jelly!
You are the famous superhero!
Yes I am!
Do not adjust your chair! The carpenter will fix it for you! Do not attempt to fix it yourself, or else you wi
Ha ha! I am really SunLairMan in disguise! Welcome to my forest lair!
Such trickery! I am forced to shout at you very loudly, and it will break your eardru
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