Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I'm a musician. Email me at Most of my strips involve making fun of individuals that piss me off. Childish, I know :) I'll probably actually put a plot to some of the more productive ones. Ciao.
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by Duplo
Heaven's waiting room.
...and the next thing I know, her husband pops in and goes right for the jugular. I was dead as a doornail.
Hmm...need some good comic ideas...
...decide to take me up on that Red Rover game?
Luckily for you, I'm held by a dare. C'mon kid, you're going back home.
The startling conclusion...coming up next!
By the way, how did I die in the first place?
You honestly expect technicalities like that to be expressed well in a fucking 3 frame strip? Fuck.
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