Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Days of our Lives

The various comics that have the 'Days of our Lives' theme to them. I love convoluted ridiculous plots.

by El_Phen
Oh Xanox! How can this be!? I never knew my father. My mother told me that he ran away to join the circus and was killed in a freak Jelliphant accident!
No my dear, I was not killed. I was mortally wounded and my consciousness transferred into the body of the nearest host. That of a Pavlovian Ball Hound of the circus at the back of our house.
How did you become supreme ruler of Pavlovia? Why did you declare inter-planetary war on your own planet? How did you get to Interplanetary United Nations HQ? When did you learn I was your daughter?
All in good time my dear. First you need to perform an important task. You must kill your mother!

this comic belongs to set
Days of our Lives

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