Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by ValentineDesign
It's cool that we could hang out, we haven't seen each other in a while.
y0 ~~~ SuP wIt DaT??~!?~ tRue. y0 j00 mAh GuRl j00 kNo dAt??~? 217 rEpRaZeNt!!?~~!~!~!
What? I don't understand a word you just said. Why are you talking like that?
LLOLOLOLLOLOLO0L!~!!!~!~!~!!! wHy YoU GoTta h8 lIkE dAt y0?? j00 r BeInG b0oTlEg... d0nT sTaRt dIs wIt mEeH??!?!? y0 j00 gOtTa RePrAzEnT AzN PrYdE...
Oh yeah. Now i remember why we don't hang out anymore.
WaSsUp???~?~ j0 y0o jUsT d0nT Kn0W HoW t0 bE a fLy AzN y0. i'M gOnNa g0 HoMe iN MaH rIcEd oUt cIvIc AnD wAtCh SaIl0r m0oN nOw. RePraZeNt~!!~!
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