Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by Washuu-Sama
...c'mon eat her, you moron! I always told you only to eat women! What are you staring at me like that? I WIPE YER ASS, YOU STUPID MONKEY!
Take this, and that, and that, you sucker! who's yer daddy? Hey, did I allow you to sleep now? Wake up you li'l sucker, and take that!!!
*BANG* UMPF* *UGH-UGH-UGH* from now on your creature will rest less when it's tired
Yeah, yeah you sucker! And you'll destroy the whole village while I go take a piss, or else I'll have to spank the monkey! hehe!... Gosh, I love this stupid game...
IIR-IIR-IIR! *KABLAAAMM* DEAD! Please stop it!
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