Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Mr. Meatballs

by biped
Thank you, doctor, for telling me that it's my name, I. P. Meatballs, that is causing the problem.
Think nothing of it, Mr. Meatballs. All you have to do is change your name, and voila! -- problem solved.
You're parked in a "no-parking" zone, sir. I'm afraid I'll have to give you a ticket. Your name?
U. P. Meatballs, officer. And I'll gladly repeat that just for the record -- U. P. Meatballs.
I don't know how in the hell you found out that I pee meatballs, you bastard, but you'll be sorry. God help me, you'll be sorry.
Err...the "U" stands for "Ulysses..."

this comic belongs to set
Mr. Meatballs

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