Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Greetings from beautiful Upper Arlington, Ohio... only minutes away from downtown Columbus. I am The Choad. When I am not playing around with this site, I work the night shift fueling jets at the airport and I am studying to become a priest during the day. That probably explains the large content of blasphemy in my toons. Peace and I hope you laugh at what I have done here.
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by choad
Once upon a time, Tom molested a friends female cat with it's own tail
Anyhow, I'm telling the guys at work about screwing around with the cat... All of a sudden, one of them calls out to a co-worker, "Hey come listen to this story about Tom raping his cat"
Dude... That really pissed me off! I screamed at him, "Hey, it wasn't MY cat that I was trying to fuck!!!"
This guy is SICK
Say... That's a pretty nice tail you're sporting there. Wanna fuck?
I'm outta here FREAK!!!
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