Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


pm : info
if life were a whore, i'd pay to fuck it and then talk to it for a while instead and make myself feel more like it'd want to fuck me, and then let it leave, and then stalk it for a couple weeks and then pick it up one night only to murder it with a large dull pickaxe. but life is a slut-whore-bitch, not a just a whore.
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by fugobo
it's so hard to find all of silly people i know's comics in the fray of dumb people i don't know's comics any more.
It's been a while since large quantities of comics in the form of a comicathon or otherwise have been made.
don't we all know.
how sad...
what the fuck is wrong with you??? you are a nerd!!
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