Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by ladiesman
AJ reads his letter as Fat Wills looks on...
Dear AJ, this notice is to inform you that you must serve 42 hours community service for offenses rendered on the UCLA campus.
Tension between the pair grows...
Hmm... it was either those tramps in A8 or that trampy tramp of a tramp exgirlfriend who faked a pregnance on me. Damn their trampy hides!
OH SUCKS TO BE YOU. Can you leave now... I want to rub one out before dinner.
Finally, the damn breaks...
You know, Fat Wills, I'm getting sick of you always beating off and giving me lip at the wrong time. You're gonna need "Advanced Healing" when I'm done with you, bitch.
I can suck my own penis, you know.
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