Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Warped! The Matrix Reloaded
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by Ahsirakh
Mrs Anderson! Might I interest you in this product? I called you but the line just cut off halfway...
Won't this stupid North American power grid shut down?! ... oh shit, you're that telemarketing Agent, aren't you? Haven't you realized I hung up on you?
YOU HUNG UP ON ME?! Die! Bang bang bang... oh fuck, who turned off the lights? My aiming sucks in the dark...
Argh! A single bullet hit me in the chest! It is entirely coincidence of course! *dies*
Wake up, Neo.
Fuck these stupid nightmares.
Kobe, can you fuck me again so I can mutter "stop" halfway through, then sue your pants off for rape-- oh, oops, hi Neo.
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