Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Long haired freak. 'nuff said.
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by Akodo_X
Meanwhile, in another portion of Hell...
Ah jeez, I knew I shouldn't have tried to DDR after eating. Where am I?
I Am yOUr crEAtIOn cOmE tO lIfE tO tOrmEnt yOU fOr thE rEst Of EtErnIty.
... Fuxxxor? I'm not Shrubby.
Oh bUggEr. whO thE hEll ArE yOU thEn?
His progenitor. He's a clone of me.
rIght, sOrry. I'll bE sUrE tO tEll hIm whO hIs dAddy Is whEn hE gEts hErE hImsElf.
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