Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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I don't try to be funny. Setting goals is for suckers.

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by GlendaJo
Some felt Holly would be frightened by the mere size of her opponent, but so far, she has hung in there, with her award-winning low kicks.
Stay out my way, little girl, if you wanna be able to WALK out o' here!
Maybe you should stay out MY way, 'cause I don't see no plaster crackin' over there, you big dick.
They've been at it all day! Gosh, folks, I don't know how much more punishment that wall can take! Meanwhile the trash-talk continues.
I'm icy to chill you to the bone, hot to sizzle your shizzel.
"...sizzle your shizzel" Are you sure you're black?
Deep into the night, the contest continues. The audience has gone home, some members stating, "If you've seen one, you've seen 'em all."
Oh, you bitches ain't never seen nothin' this magnificent, this strong, this hard, this penetratin'!
Maybe you should try using your foot... 'cause so far that thing you're usin' doesn't seen to be pentratin' anything.
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