Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hiya hi hi hi hi hi! These are my comics! I have 2 main characters Mr. Jackass, more commonly known as ASS, and Fu**y McFu**erstein Whore, More commonly know as Ms. Whore, but recently was started being called Eff. And I have The New Guy in Town, he doesn't come much, but my sister says that he is really funny. So I might bring him in more. Email me if you like my comics, and I'm open for suggestions comments and critisism.
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by Ilse
ASS.... I just had a horrible encounter.......
The new guy?
Yes! How did you know!!
It figures that he would be a reoccuring character....
He actually asked to have sex with me!!
He asked me somthing worse... he actually wanted ME to show him around the town!!
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