Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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This is a comic strip series by Stak, based on threads at MSURacers (which is closing 5/9/08 so probably no more new comics!). It is based heavily on Bencomic and is in fact a blatant ripoff of it. The comics are based on actual posts at MSURacers in actual threads on an actual internet, meaning you'll probably not find it funny AT ALL unless you frequent MSUR! And even then it's still a stretch Cast list as of 9/26/06 is here Reader's guide here unless you can't log in to MSUR, in which case I guess there isn't one (that you can read, anyway)
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by Stakomix
Dude I know that Savannah chick...that girly is OVER THE TOP with Jesus. We were in the library and she asked if she could pray for us to pass our test we were studying for...
so we said ummm, sureeeee...and she drops down to her knees right in front of us and starts to pray out loud. Yeah, can you say akward moment? I was trying so hard not to laugh.
"she drops down to her knees right in front of us"
hee hee
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