Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by TheElPaso
At Armageddon 2002, Big Show will cream Kurt Angle, which will come as an upset after Kurt tries to weaken Show by using a blowdart to give Show ebola.
Big Show will follow that up with another win against the Undertaker at the Royal Rumble 2003, causing Undertaker to really die.
At No Way Out, Edge will take on Big Show, but is weakened by a deep inner feeling for that special girl, distracting him from the fact that he's being chokeslammed.
Then at Wrestlemania, Rey Mysterio (who won the rumble by hiding behind a rope while everyone else eliminated themselves) will upset Show by getting into his stomach and ripping him apart from inside.
At Backlash1 (there's so many backlashes that they're going to be numbered now) Rey Mysterio takes on the Hulkster, but Hollywood's Alzheimers causes him to forget what specie he is.
At Judgment Day,Rey Mysterio faces a mystery challenger, and as with all mystery challengers, the champion loses. The mystery challenger turns out to be Crash Holly.
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