Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hi boys and girls, it's your old friend zazo the gimp, and boy oh boy, do we have a great show for you today! Don't forget, your parents really never wanted you, no-one loves you, and the world's gonna blow up any day now, but no matter what happens yer ol' unka zazo'll be here stripping for each and every one of you!
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Breatherd Beach, on the outskirts of Studio City...
It's so beautiful out here tonight... life is just so damn fucking awesomely wonderful sometimes...
A really nice beach, as far as beaches go in Studio City.
I hope nothing bad happens to fuck this up and send me on another pointless adventure...
Just watch out for the murderous red robots, they'll get ya every time.
That's odd, why would I think such a thing?
Just be cool Big Red, do what you love, but do it quietly.
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