Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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i am previously known as arbi.
this is a new account because i misplaced my password. gtbear at gmail.

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by arbitrary
saturday. took 10 boxes to food not bombs. went to brandywine high school that was having a flea market. ran into my state senator who i've been emailing with,
and we had a nice chat, which may lead to progress in what i'm asking her to do.
sunday i found 5 more boxes. i'm trying to clean the garage before my sister gets here. found rolex and cartier cufflinks.
monday tesla reports its quarterly earnings, so there may be an online party.
i emailed a church to see if i can rent it on july 4th for a wedding.
i planted garlic and otherwise got little done, nice drive. skipped church.
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arbitrary says: tesla daily podcast
posted Apr 24th, 2021 ( permalink )

arbitrary says:

plasma +60. dollar store 13 amazon book 9. to do sunday write to kyle gay evans go over old list, make new list 1. put away laundry unload van 4. buy cheeses, plants? bamboo sample from allen tract. how to cut? 2. oddporium 3. arden grubb graves. add location to finda grave 6. draft of complaint in sign case timeline of bmv dispute 7. call tommy 8. pay box rent can i do it online? 9. pay electric bill look for american express appication i think i am having a niacin reaction from energy rink i just drank.
posted Apr 25th, 2021 ( permalink )

arbitrary says:

to do sunday write to kyle gay evans, dave sokola. go over old list, make new list 1. put away laundry unload van 4. buy cheeses, plants? something else, i forget what. bamboo sample from allen tract. how to cut? 2. x oddporium 3. x arden grubb graves. add location to finda grave 6. draft of complaint in sign case timeline of bmv dispute 7. call tommy 8. pay box rent can i do it online? 9. pay electric bill look for american express appication i think i am having a niacin reaction from energy rink i just drank. 10 cash count. $441. there is a study in st louis i can screen for. may 15th 23. $2900. 314-528-2220 Ex 1012 they also have one for $1000. pra utah $4500 1 week. dates unknown. call celerion. i just missed a $14,000, screens tomorrow. find out if i can screen or am banned. laptop problem. pay toll bill pay electric bill and p o box rent. american airlines dispute.
posted Apr 25th, 2021 ( permalink )

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