Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by borfo
Wendy works at McSquidfort.
Hi, Welcome to McSquidfort... What can I do for you tonight?
By cracky! Randy bizzatnattch, ain't she? Myron be hittin' dat sweet ass tonight, W3RD!
Myron brings a bag lunch to the lab most days.
...sure... would you like a cod julep with that, sir?... ...mmm-hmm. ...One large tentacle?
Damn straight dat be one large tentacle, beeeeaaaazznatch!
Wendy takes drive-through orders over a headset.
That'll be $7.08... pay at the first window... Thank you, have a nice day!
Why don't you climb on into my pants and find out fo' yo'self, fine lady?
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