Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by drcamster
It's always happy hour at the OP...
I can't believe they terminated my sorry ass! Where will I get my porno? Where's my next pile of shit going to come from? Help me, Sledge!
Calm down, VW! Look at the bright side: you can now start posting all day like I do! It's really fun!
Ummmm... yeah, I gotta talk to you about that. I can't post any more messages...
WHAT? But we need you to be a false patriot like us! Even CSJ asked about you- you're not going to let him scare you off, are you?
No, even though CSJ is the coolest guy there, it's not him. If I post more it will cost me A LOT. Sorry, Sledgie...
YEAH?!?! You forget that I like to sue people! Hah!! See you in court- I'm suing you!
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