Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


pm : info
if life were a whore, i'd pay to fuck it and then talk to it for a while instead and make myself feel more like it'd want to fuck me, and then let it leave, and then stalk it for a couple weeks and then pick it up one night only to murder it with a large dull pickaxe. but life is a slut-whore-bitch, not a just a whore.
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by fugobo
You need to try to talk to some attractive girl, and something good might come of it!
I can't believe how much that offends me!
So, how are things?
Fine. Off to do some crap. And to screw 'Vladiak the Pink Goffa' cause I'm highly upsettable and selfish.
So HoplessGimper's a fucking bastard. I want to kill myself because he's made me feel worthless!
Yeah he is! And I want to kill myself because I am worthless, and because he upsets me occasionally.
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