Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Ron Bertrand, aka Calypso Bertrand, is a singer/songwriter and records on the GUMBOLIMBO Indie Label. Google Calypso Bertrand for more information about this artist.
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by gumboron
Lil' Rita Learns About "Bookbag Santa".
Lil' Rita, I was just reading about Bookbag Santa on the net.
What do they do?
Lil' Rita Is Impressed With This Organization.
They collect used school supplies that otherwise would go into the landfill and give them to schools in need... like in Belize.
Jamie, I like that! How can we help?
Looks Like Lil' Rita And Jamie Have Found A Cause They Can Get Involved In.
Let's forward their website to all our frends.
Great idea Jamie... and look they have a way to send them a donation to help!
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