Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by nate
On one hand, Miguel is extraordinarily talented at making repetitive low-brow humor consistently funny. We do laugh at it, after all. Can humor be both funny and wrong?
Possibly. Either way, it is definitely abusive. We don't even know how much of his baseness is constructed rather than intrinsic in him. Probably not much, given his easy execution of it.
Yes, on a certain level it may very well be hateful drivel, but since we realize that, is it really inappropriate for us to take some hedonistic joy in it? After all, we ourselves are fat.
But even if our enjoyment consitutes something other than bigotry, is it really acceptable? Are we just fooling ourselves with such self-aware intellecutalism? Are we truly not being abusive?
Fuck man, I don't know. It's FUNNY though. There is a fatist, bigotry-hungry animal within all of us, right? We live by judging, and collectively we are a fool no matter the philosophy.
All you've established is that our behavior is quintessentially human and justifiable in a futilistic sense. But isn't the goal to be better than average? We must hate ourselves and thus be redeemed!
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