Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by perkbear
Hay Jose, do you under stand what "True Moments" are.
Will, I know it is a survey that our customers are asked to take up to 72 Hours after they call into the queue
What type of questions do they ask the customers?
They want to know, how the customer rated us. Did we resolve their issue on the first call? Were we knowledgeable able our services, did we have the customers best interest at hart, did we care?
Wow, so they are asking questions about how I helped my customers. When do we get to find out the True Moments results?
They are released every quarter, so we should find out the results very soon. I am excited to see what the results are; they have a direct impact on our quarterly bonus.
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