Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


pm : info
e·phem·er·al - adj. 1. Lasting for a markedly brief time: “There remain some truths too ephemeral to be captured in the cold pages of a court transcript” (Irving R. Kaufman). 2. Living or lasting only for a day, as certain plants or insects do.
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by seattlesque
No, not according to the book. "Obscurity makes them funny. By contrast, better-known particles (such as those carrying electric charge) lack intrinsic humor."
Who cares, I hate the verbal section anyway. How about we move on to math questions?
Well, all right. "Stripcreator comics contain 3 panels. You've used 1 panel for an introduction, and 1 panel for a set-up..."
All right, I'm with you so far.
"...using photos of tribal women from National Geographic and an upside-down calculator, compute the punch line to the nearest whole number."
5318008. Geesh, even third graders could do that one.
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