Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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Hello everyone. I am doing a mix of things in my comics..Some are conected with each other and some aren't. If you are confused about any of the characters, I'll list a few for now.

Jake- Mr. Myers son who enjoys being like a normal person.

Mr. Myers- He's the boss at a famous bank, "American Express"

Kenny- Who's bound to get in trouble each time we see him.

Status: Takeing a few weeks off due to writers block. Will return to comics sometime in March or April at latest.

Anywho I just want to let you guys know that these comics are G rated.

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by weird4
What are we going to do?
Easy. If no one comes to rescue us, we'll have no choice but to eat ourselves.
And by that you mean?
Oh, my bad.
Look do you want to be alive or eaten.
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