Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by Aylear
Morals and values.
I tend to not like it when you have these insights.
Just musing. You must admit, the only reason we even have those words is so that the majority can impose them upon the minority. Our society, our rules.
The majority getting what they want is the basis of society, and most of what we want we do because of genetic programming. Reproduction, habitation, self-preservation...
I stopped believing in evolution when I realized the most prosperous humans are the brainless ones.
I can never decide if you're a genius or a dumbass.
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1 - Ayl and Bail : 8 - My Favourites

comments on this comic


LittleRocker says:

Haha, this is great.
posted Mar 23rd, 2009 ( permalink )

Aylear says:

Thanks, LR! 'Tis highly appreciated. Also, you may be little, but your comics are anything but.
posted Mar 23rd, 2009 ( permalink )

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