Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by Chi_The_Cynic
punkrockskaboy chastises Chi for his bad ending
How on earth did you think you'd win the competition? Your new X-Man has to SAVE the day, not end it!
I know, but I wasn't counting on his power not working, was I? Ok, I'll insert a *new* third panel for the fourth episode...
Phew! Thankfully the plane's gear stick was influenced by my special powers, and it pulled the plane onto the right course all by itself!
Oh, Tyleround! You saved the day! I love you!
Oh good God no, that was *even* worse! You lose, Chi. Big time.
*sigh* There go my chances of getting my own forum character...
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