Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by Shritish
Morbid - The masked.
[CHAT] Morbid: |||||-throw me in [a comic] god damn it-|||||
[CHAT] Shritish: I entertain people with a sense of humor like yours.
[CHAT] Morbid: |||||-and make me cool lookin or ill skull fuck ur dog-|||||
Moron. My dog has enough problems without this guy skull fucking it. I'll make him a damn comic.
Haha - Morbid demasked.
Hahaha....Morbid is gonna love it when I expose him. Wait a sec, since when do I have a dog?
*sniff* Now I'm gonna have to skullfuck Shritish's dog.
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