Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by colinyc
A Cold Day In The Existance of TM!ML...
Gawd... IM such a LeeT HaXoR that I found TM!ML... God Bless AOL
Replicant's Encounter...
Yo! a/s/l??! O yea, ummm... y does suh-sammi were the rabbit hat all teh time???!!! (yousuckyousuckyousuckyousuck..from some1 hoo dont' suck)
Rep's Heightened Mental Capabilities Put To Good Use...
No!!! Now I'm gonna miss the part in dbz where the strongest character comes back from his absence and beats the hell out of the newest bad guy! What a plot twist! Toriyama is a genius.....
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