Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by drcamster
July 12th at the OP. Some of the regular lounge reptiles chat...
Could you believe that bald asshole Delfino last night? I'm ready punch his lights for fun!
For a guy who says he wins in court so much, he sure scams for a lot of drinks here- as if a Pink Lady is a man's drink.
And that jag-off friend of his, VW- what rock was he found under? I've never seen such a completely useless and stupid drunk before!
VW, that old piece of shit? Did you ever notice that he brings his porn collection with him and flogs the dolphin in the bathroom? GROSS!
But last night the worst was when him and VW took turns giving each other blow jobs. Those guys are two sick mofos.
As if I needed reminding! That made my scales crawl it was so disgusting. I'm out of here!
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