Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by lara7
Welcome to Survivor Season 4: Bradland. Let's meet our contestants:
My name is Jael. I'm a bartender from Texas. My luxury item is a hairbrush.
The kids call me Dr. P. I'm a bartender from Cambridge, MA. My luxury item is this slide rule.
I'm the guy who everyone thinks is gay but isn't. My luxury item is porn.
I'm the guy who really is gay. I'm a bartender from Reno, NV. My item is chapstick for all the ass-kissing I'll be doing in the next 39 days.
My name is...wait a minute- I refuse to play an American. Screw you, CBS!
My name is Boo. I'm not a bartender, though you'd never know it from my drinking habits. My luxury item is a pair of pants..oh. Whoops.
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