Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by thegrinch
Ally and Neil go up to the bar to get drinks + Clee's Apple Crumble. They hit a snag...
Neil, they're asking for our genuine student ID's - what the hell is going on...
No idea...Och it's cool, after all we have been regulars for the last 2 years.
Meanwhile... Clee and Mark are getting all romantic on the couch when they are both rudely interupted by a bloke asking for their ID's...
Sorry I don't drive buddy. Not in this country I'm afraid - To many madmen...
U don't have anything else guys???
So the lads are ejected from the Crystel Palace... It is almost ironic, like a poem in words, a thought in silence or an emotion in motion...
Well we've been chucked out of the Crystel Palace
Fuck them - They arn't getting any more of my custom
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