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Diary of an Atheist : My Damn Book : GOD LESS AMERICA : Pot Club

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by AtheistDiary
Webuh are goigg f' de Trusteez aerd.
Yuh webuh are! Huh huh!
dat idse rrrr, why weebuh are usiGg a r0bto hehe, i may not be tobor,, but idowant t' ashbe m4d butt seX0 rwid ypou, abby!!!!!!!!~~
that su|\|dz fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 hARE, LET ME TURN AORUND aMD BEND OVERT FR0 YOUR HOT ROBO PENIS
Kin ah join in?
yiu son 0f a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!1 |\|oww e"re going to be dqd for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ ololololololo~~~ HIS AWARD ME4NT EVERYTING TO ME, yOU 4SSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 MY LKIFEE SI OPVAR NOW!!!
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