Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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My strips don't suck.

There's not much continuity so feel free to read them by score ranking. (Note: that was written when some of my comics had score rankings.)

Plus they don't suck.

Well except for the fact that about half of them should have been two panels long instead of three so I had to stretch them out clumsily.

Plus I took the character Xox-xox from DH-01's comics. But if he sucked I wouldn't have stolen him.

It appears I am partly back from the dead. Or am I...

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by NeoVid
So, if the Many Worlds theory is right, and everything that can happen, does, in some world...
That means everyone in existence must be the main character of a work of fiction in another parallel world.
...My readers probably think I'm being way too meta right now.
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Lord_Vodek says:

Welcome Back.
posted Nov 5th, 2012 ( permalink )

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