Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hi, I'm RaRaRasputin. I've been working alongside Andy Dougan at the Evening Times for 26 years now. One of my fondest memories was during Andy's 'Queen' phase, when he sported a Freddy Mercury style moustache. Oh, the fun we had... I myself have been living out in Juarez for the best part of 43 years now. It's so much more sinful down south of the border that I just couldn't stand to go back to Arkansas. We've quite an ex-pat community down here, in fact, only yesterday John Cash stopped by for a brew. "My name is Sue, how do you do?", he said, "Now you gonna die!". Now that thar's comedy... Said Bruce Springsteen, "Born down in a dead man's town. The first kick I took was when I hit the ground. You end up like a dog that's been beat too much, till you spend half your life just covering up." And y'know, there's a lot of truth there Brucey.
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by RaRaRasputin
Hey kids, I'm George "the Georgian" Bush. Here on my mission to Europ to answer any questions you kids have about my attempts to dominate the world. Yee-Ha!
Hi, I'm newly mandated PM of good old Blighty Tony Blair. Here to make sure your every need is met on your visit to these isles.
So, what you got in store for me here in Europ Tone? By the way, when I say Europ, I mean whatever country I happen to be in right now. Us Americans can't tell one country from the next y'see.
OK, here in Britain we've got this wicked game called the Biscuit Game. Peter Mandelson invented it. Right, what you do is, we all wank...
Oh sure, we've got that back in Texas. Only there we play it with cattle. HeHeHe, much more fun that way y'see.
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