Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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You might remember me as being that one guy from the Lord Of The Rings movie. You'd be wrong, but if that's how you remember me, then fine. Go with it.
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by elbingador
Dad, I need to ask you a question.
All righty. What's the matter? Are you having bad lady luck? Do you need some money or something?
No, dad. It's nothing big like that.
Please don't tell me you have Attention Deficit Disorder! I couldn't like with myself if I thought that my only son was in any physical or mental pain and anguish.
Actually, I spilled a pitcher of iced tea, and I can't seem to find the paper towels.
If you weren't all the way over there, I'd smack you.
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