Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by mmyers
Knight to Queen 7. Knight takes Queen.
Knight to Queen 7. "Hello, Mr. Knight. Why, whatever are you doing all the way over here in my square?" "I'm going to take you, that's what I'm doing, take you in my bulging biceps."
"Oh, my dress ripped and fell off, exposing my heaving bussoms. What shall I do?" "You should fall into my arms. You should be made to feel like a woman, climaxing again and again."
New Virtual Chess, Red Shoe Diaries edition
Well, this is a conundrum. No wait, it isn't. I feel dirty.
"Oh Trevor!" "Oh Nancy, I've waited for this for so long! Oh, oh...OH!!!"
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