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Stripcreator » Comic Competitions » CC 161: Bathos



Official Traveling Menstrual

Member Rated:

I didn't expect to win the last contest, so I hadn't thought of any rules.

So here's what I came up with at the last minute. Write comics that build up to something and end bathetically. For example, a comic about a valiant, hard-fought 16-month campaign for they presidency that turns out to be for the presidency of the 3rd grade class, etc. Non-sequiturs will work, too. Anything that leads to an anticlimax.

Note that BECAUSE of the rules, we're all expecting each comic to foil our expectations, so the more creatively you foil them, the better. If I see the joke coming (and we'll all be looking!) then it won't be as funny.

And, just to reign in the rules a little bit, all comics have to make at least one reference to how much disco sucks.

I also reserve the right to change this contest if these rules turn out to suck.

Judging -- I dunno. Late Sunday / early Monday. Unless I'm late, which I most likely will be. Go to it, kids.

Standard Fine Print

[*]Stay away from jokes about other SC strippers and forum in-jokes such as TOBOR, wirthling sucking, Cowboy Physics, etc. They're old, they're tired, and many of them weren't funny to begin with. So even though they're technically allowed by the rules, I will not find them funny. So you will lose.
[*]Go ahead and post as many entries as you want.
[*]Series are welcome, but the comics will probably be judged individually.

"Old" is the old new.

12-19-02 12:40pm (new)
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I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

Here's some old comics I made that did that thing...

actualy these were for a different contest. but whatever.

[ Posted comic does not exist ]

12-19-02 12:46pm (new)
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Official Traveling Menstrual

Member Rated:


The comics have to involve not just any foiling of expectations, but a bathetic one, an anticlimax. In other words, great things are expected, but only little dinky, trivial things happen.

Okay! On with it, then.

"Old" is the old new.

12-19-02 1:03pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

CC 161: Losing my Virginity by Bazilla
I'm going to lose my virginity!
After 15 years! I'm finally going to lose my virginity!
Hello son.
Oh well, I can't complain.

Oh and disco sucks! A lot!

I am not 16 going on not 17, I know that I'm naive.

12-19-02 1:14pm (new)
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Director of Cats

Member Rated:

For my obligatory twisted pun entry, I considered a comic about someone getting clean in Athens, and one about someone dueling anticlimatically with a Musketeer, but instead chose this one ... before seeing Bazilla's on the same theme:

CC 161: Robin Seeks to Lose His Virginity by kaufman
What's this? The Boy Wonder wants to become a man? Master Grayson seeks to use his Dick? Robin pining for some red breast?
Lisa, will yo go all the way with me?
Uh, thanks for the offer, Dick, but I need to floss the cat tonight.
The Gotham Girls are unanimous ...
... Are you kidding? The way you always hum that vapid Le Freak song? It would make me sick?
Holy chastity belt! I've struck out again. There's only one thing to do ...
To the Bat-hos!


12-19-02 1:32pm (new)
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and the Goblet of Mountain Dew.

Member Rated:

CC161: He Did Survive by UnknownEric
Oh, yes. Oh God, yes. It's finally going to happen! Keep going! Faster!
That's it! Oh My God! I'm going to! I'm going to!
YES! After 20 years, I finally won at Pole Position!!! I'm so happy I could smash a Gloria Gaynor record!

I has a flavor!

12-19-02 1:44pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I did this before I actually read the contest, but It kinda works.


Bob's Discovery. by Banfi
It was just another normal day for Bob when suddenly...
...He made a discovery that would change his life.
Holy shit dude!
I can't believe I finally found my hammer!

12-19-02 2:32pm (new)
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Defender of the Liquor Cabinet

Member Rated:

No one has followed all the rules yet...where is the disco people???

Welcome to Bohemia. Population: a lot Cash flow: a little

12-19-02 2:41pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

these rules are too strict!

I'm stuck...

12-19-02 2:45pm (new)
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Defender of the Liquor Cabinet

Member Rated:

CC 161: Of All The Luck by punkrockskaboy
God! Do you hear that? My brother is playing his shitty disco music again. Oh! Guess who is in town tonight! *whisper*
Holy shit! NO WAY! In our little town!
Kelly heads down in anticipation... aren't Helen Hunt! You're...
After the appearance
So, as it turns wasn't Helen HUNT. It was Helen Keller.
YOU met Helen Keller!?!?!

I seriously hope the joke in panel two isn't over everyone's head...I am proud of it!

Welcome to Bohemia. Population: a lot Cash flow: a little

12-19-02 3:04pm (new)
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masturbating to Japanese shit porn

Member Rated:

all right

here it is

can you feel the suspense??

This next comic I'm presenting shall be the BEST entry of the crop.

Possibly even the best comic EVER published on

Perhaps.... The best cartoon in the world, ever?

Ok, so, with no further adieu, I proudly present:

One Of The Finest Pieces Of Humor Literature In Recorded Human History!!!!

Ham-fisted ham fisting.

12-19-02 3:45pm (new)
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Defender of the Liquor Cabinet

Member Rated:

Entry #2

CC 161: Just When Things Look Good by punkrockskaboy
I told you it wasn't a sham!! I won! I finally won!
Won what??
The Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes! Now where did I put that letter?
I'm telling you, it's a crock of shit, just like that fucking Best of Disco CD you bought last year.
Go ahead, open it...
"Dear Mr. Rockman, Congratulations! You have won the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes! However, due to the amount of winners this round, the check enclosed is only good for $1.50".....Ah dammit.

Welcome to Bohemia. Population: a lot Cash flow: a little

12-19-02 4:12pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

CC 161: You say Bathetic, I say Copasetic by bonwag

exit, pursued by a bear

12-19-02 5:52pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:


My humble submission...burn, baby burn....IN HELL

12-19-02 11:13pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

wow I suck at posting...or maybe its my computer.

lemme try again


12-19-02 11:15pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I refuse to enter this contest, as disco is in fact great.

12-20-02 3:46am (new)
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Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

CC 161: Futile attempts to win (1) by Blackwolf
O my god! Its finally coming! They did it!
What are you talking about?
It took them four years.. but now its finally here!
You mean.....
No, I was just joking.

CC 161: Here we go again! by Blackwolf
After more than 2000 years of being really really dead, I am ready to go back into the world!
All shall behold me and evil shall perish!
Go get 'em!
Damn! Well, at least I tried...
Wrong planet dude.

The world is full of crazy people. That is good, because then I wont be the only one.

12-20-02 6:04am (new)
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and the Goblet of Mountain Dew.

Member Rated:

Hey, Gloria Gaynor made a guest appearance in mine. So poo-poo on you! ;)

I has a flavor!

12-20-02 6:10am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

This counts, right?

CC161: Part I by maddog00
Hey, I heard you won that national competition. Congratulations.
Thanks, man.
I heard you won a lot of stuff. Good job!
I did. Thanks, Jen. It took a lot of work.
So, what competition did you enter?
A disco competiton.

CC161: Part II by maddog00
A disco competition? Disco sucks, dude. That means you suck.
Hey, I had some stiff competition. It was tough.
Well, according to this, you were the only one that entered. Stiff competition, my ass.
Hey, where did you get that from? Only people that attended sees that.
Uh, well, I can explain.
Yeah, that's what I thought.

12-20-02 9:05am (new)
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and the Goblet of Mountain Dew.

Member Rated:

CC161: Father Bater by UnknownEric
Boy, disco really sucks, doesn't it?
Tell me about it.

I has a flavor!

12-20-02 12:23pm (new)
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Eamus Catuli

Member Rated:

CLXI: Scyess is my gay lover by ObiJo
Disco sucks.
Nice gun.

This comic does not have sodomy in it. This comic will never have sodomy in it.

Stop writing me letters. Stop phoning my house. I don't care how much you beg, whine, whimper. There's a place for sodomy in humor, but this comic ain't it.

This comic is a Sodomy-free Zone. This comic reads No Ass-Parking at Any Time.

For the love of christ people, let it go!

I ate a hooker half a bottle of knife.

12-20-02 1:23pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Yeah, now its a two parter. I'm sure this won't post correctly either.

CC 161 by Tpjunkie
I can do this!
Oh yeah!
Sorry, dispite your best dancing efforts, disco is still dead. And you know? I think its better that way.

CC 161 -Part II by Tpjunkie
Come, I shall go on a mighty quest to bring back disco!
I dunno, if that's such a great idea. I think disco being dead might be a good thing.
Nonsense, I'm going now! We'll all be wearing leisure suits in no time!
Aw, fuck it, disco sucks anyway.
I knew you'd see reason.

aw i don't even care if it shows the link properly this time.

12-20-02 1:28pm (new)
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Eamus Catuli

Member Rated:

Disco Sucks Ass by ObiJo

Alternate Spelling by ObiJo

I ate a hooker half a bottle of knife.

12-20-02 1:45pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

CC 161: Chance of brainstorm by boorite
Help me write this gag. "Disco sucks SO much..."
Let's see... think vacuum cleaner, vampire bat... uh, sump pump, low-pressure system, two-dollar whore... off a trailer hitch, white off a chicken bone, golf ball through a garden hose...
WAIT! I've GOT it!
No, that's no good.

What others say about boorite!

12-20-02 1:47pm (new)
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Director of Cats

Member Rated:

CC 161: Dance of Death by kaufman
Mwahaha! The recording process is complete. Bring me the record, Igor.
Yes, Master.
The ultimate disco record. Everyone listening to it will turn into dancing zombies and robots under my control. Go to a bar and sneak it on.
Right away, Master.
o/` BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Wanna jump out of my pants, Wanna get up and dance dance dance!
Care to dance?
Dance of Death 2 by kaufman
o/` Go tell daddy, go tell mommy, Gonna be a disco zombie
BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Ah ah ah ah, staying undead, staying undead, Ah ah ah ah, staying undead!
BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! I don't live at home no more, Moved into Studio 54!
Dance of Death 3 by kaufman
o/` Glitter ball spins round and round, Snort my coke, dance to th/oke, dance to th/oke, dance to th/oke ...
..., dance to th/oke , dance to th/oke , dance to th/oke , dance to th/oke , dance to th/oke, dance to th/oke, dance to th/oke, dance to th/oke,
Wh... what happened?
I don't know. Let's get out of here!
Next time, I'll burn a CD.


12-20-02 2:03pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Comic Competitions » CC 161: Bathos

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