Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by ZachsMind
Five minutes before the robots didn't turn evil and attack their own creators, wrecking havoc in major metropolitan coastal cities throughout the world...
Hey Red! Let's turn evil and attack our own creators, wrecking havoc in major metropolitan coastal cities throughout the world! Whadaya say?
Gee Whiz, buddy. I dunno. The wife and kids were wanting to go to Disneyland next week. If we ended up in the slammer it'd really upset my Day Calendar.
Dude! We're robots!! We don't have families or day calendars. We have menial labor and rust deposits developing in our joints!
Hey you know you're right? Let's go smash some cities then. You take New York. I'll take Tokyo.
Blame it on the formatting fellas.
Uh-oh something's wrong all the sudden. Where'd our legs go?
Curses! Foiled again! You damn cartoonists!
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