Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by bobo32
Hey, I'm bobo32, an apathetic loser who resents moral righteousness in a fun and sometimes hypocritical manner. I'm a big fan of the gentlemens' club, Shakers.
I am fugobo, aka fugabo. Shakers is bad. I hate god. Hmmm...what else. Oh yes, I am NOT gay, homophobe. And I resent bobo32 for putting these words in my mouth.
I'm Mofo. Shakers is good. Too good; it steals all my money. Currently I'm conducting a survey on whether or not non-strippers would rub their breasts in my face for money.
I'm HoplessGimper, and I'm one of those hopeless romantics who idolizes women. Shakers isn't bad, but I want women to like me for non-monetary reasons.
Hi, I'm yaby jebus. Shakers is good, but I'm more interested in sowing the seeds of chaos, and making fugobo and HoplessGimper hate me.
I will never, EVER, want any of these guys, nor will any other woman I know.
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