Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by deathtoradio
Zombie and I got into an arguement the other day over which zombie films were better, the old, slow ones, or the new fast as hell ones.
Ah, the Dawn of the Dead vs. the remake arguement.
I likened the old ones to a sit-down restaurant with very slow, shitty service. He likened the new ones to fast as hell, but in the end, completely unsatisfying.
But who's scared of a zombie that has a maximum speed of 2 miles per hour? My grandma can do at least 5 if you tell her Murder She Wrote is on.
That's what I said! Then he bit me in the ass and things got weird.
I guess he likened your ass to a rack of lamb or something. Can I have your cubicle when you turn?
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Office Zombie

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