Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by fragpig
I was feeling slightly boisterous this weekend. After "liberating" several house pets.. I met up with some hippies handing out flyers
...."Turn that Loathing into Loving?"
Yeah man, it's time to fight the system! The Green Party is ready for '04. Don't eat meat. Patchouli is the whales!
Inspired by the this guru of grungy clothes, I decided to make some protests of my own of equal importance to the community.
...What did you say?
I said ,"PETA stands for Pederasts Envision a Transgendered America"! Time for Shower power! Let's turn that wanting into washing. Come on, Dexter dirtball, let's build a big shower station!
True to form, the little shits were upset and called the authorities. When the judge saw me he just sentenced me to six months... And guess who was also sentenced that day?
...Man, this is so wack...Umm what are you thinking about?
How your whining is going to keep me up all night now that I sold you for shower time for some toilet whine.
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