Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

pm : info

"Made me laugh way more than I should have!" -atomiclunch

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Apparently... Okay, I'll pass it on.
The real reason Obama legalized 5 million illegals is so they can staff more golf courses to keep the fairways and greens properly trimmed. Appar-ently, he plays a shitload of golf.
Apparently... Okay, I'll pass it on.
The real reason Obama legalized 5 million illegals is so they can staff more golf courses to keep the fairways and greens properly trimmed. Appar-ently, he plays a shitload of golf.
Apparently... Okay, I'll pass it on.
The real reason Obama legalized 5 million illegals is so they can staff more golf courses to keep the fairways and greens properly trimmed. Appar-ently, he plays a shitload of golf.
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brycekain says:

WTF??? :-O
posted Nov 21st, 2014 ( permalink )

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